Membership/Renewal Form

Memberships are annual, from May 1. If you are joining any other time of year, please pro-rate the annual membership fee.

1. SAWUURA One Year Membership (please pay by May 1): $60/individual or family, $30 for seniors/youth.*
2. Mid-year pro-rated membership ($5/mo. or $2.50 /mo. for seniors/youth*) for the number of months (from now until May).

We are always trying to improve SAWUURA. If you can, please contribute an additional amount to help us with improvement projects. Thank you!!

(*Note: if these amounts present a financial hardship for you, please contact us to discuss a reduced rate)

*For purposes of SAWUURA, a “senior” is 62 years of age or older; “youth” means under 18.

After you fill out this form, please click “Submit” to pay via Paypal. Or, if you prefer, you can mail a check to::

Curtiss Seale

7045 N. Pomona Road, Tucson, AZ 85704

By becoming a member, you help support our wild UU “Hundred Acre Wood”. You also earn the right to vote at the annual meeting in June and to become a member of SAWUURA committees. You receive reduced rates for sponsored events, and the privilege of camping at non-event times (subject to SAWUURA guidelines and policies).

QUESTIONS? Call Eb eberlein at 520-622-6966 or Curtiss Seale at 520-982-3984.


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